Xtreme Xhibits Owner Jill Amerie is greeted by Texas Govornor Rick Perry after being announced as a winner of the “Boost Your Busines by Going Green” contest.
City of Austin Solid Waste Services’ WasteSMART program.
Yesterday Xtreme Xhibits made its second trip to a local Austin recycling facility in as many months. Austin’s downtown recycling center, Ecology Action, was encircled with cars and trucks whos…
Xtreme Xhibits’ first trip to a local Austin recycling facility proved quite eye-opening. Recyclables for our first run are as follows: 3.0 lb of Metal-Aluminum Cans 54.0lb of Plastic We…
Xtreme Xhibits not only supports green options in theory, we are putting action behind our words: a rarity in an industry characterized as having little to no plan for reuse…
Learn where Xtreme Xhibits plans on steering the Events and Meeting Industry in the future…
Video elaborating on some of the benefits of being under the blanket of Skyline’s dealer network.
Learn about the company culture at Xtreme Xhibits’ offices in Austin and San Antonio