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Air Powered Austin Trade Show Exhibit

By May 19, 2017February 1st, 2019Trade Show Displays

The Days Of The Boring Trade Show Exhibit Are Gone With The Wind

If your company participates in live marketing on the trade show circuit, you’ve seen a lot of boring booths in your time. After a while, most exhibits look pretty much the same. Don’t fall into this trap. Consider an exciting new inflatable trade show exhibit.

Look What Blew In To The Trade Show Floor

Austin trade show exhibitThese uniquely designed displays utilize inflatable frames fitted with high-quality graphic covers. Just by looking, you would not know that the forward-looking exhibitors who use them are saving a bundle in shipping and installation and dismantle costs. What you see are amazingly beautiful graphics often emblazed on overhead signs, backwalls, banner stands, kiosks, and other components in the space. You also see fluidity and design flexibility that is often hard to achieve in traditional booth design.

Modern wind-powered setups make any trade show exhibit more exciting. Even 10′ by 10′ spaces that feature either traditional backwalls or tabletop units can benefit from this new trend. Any size of component within the space uses the same principle of a blowup frame fitted with a unique company message.

Air-Powered Trade Show Exhibit Design Is Here To Stay

Maybe it has crossed your mind that these innovative inflatables will be old hat soon. After all, no trend lasts forever. What is good news for both exhibitors who have invested in them and attendees who may become bored with repetitious marketing is that the message is easy to change. The frames will last for years and will accommodate changing messages. Whether your company has an updated logo or look, a product or service to launch, or other exciting news to announce, your air-powered system can change with the times. This means that this type of system will continue to dominate the market in coming years.

If your company currently has a big display, you may wonder how to make the transition to a wind-powered display without breaking the bank. Fortunately, there are many ways to make the move. Many companies start out by buying a piece or two of inflatable equipment to see how they like it. When they undoubtedly decide that they do, the next step may be to rent an entire trade show exhibit. As they work the booth they can make a note of what they like, what they don’t like, and what they would change when they buy a display of their own. When they are ready to make the capital expenditure of a new display, they do so totally confident that they are making the right investment.

Enhance your current trade show exhibit with inflatable towers, backwalls, or hanging rings. Unique design and versatile utility will draw crowds and make exhibiting easier. Quick and easy I&D means time and cost savings to improve your company’s ROI. To really turn heads and get an edge over the competition, choose a modern, highly-effective air-powered display.

Build Your Austin Trade Show Exhibit With Xtreme Xhibits

A WindScape display from Xtreme Xhibits can transform the look and feel of your Austin trade show exhibit. Learn more about this and other innovative systems and services at