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Using Product Demonstrations To Make Your Austin Trade Show Displays More Memorable

By June 4, 2015May 7th, 2018Trade Show Displays

XtremeXhibits Example - CBW Bank Trade Show DisplayExhibitors are always asking the question, “How can we make our trade show exhibits more memorable?” There are many routes you can take in the attempt to stand out in the minds of visitors. However, some routes have proven to be more effective than others. Here at Xtreme Xhibits, we can show you why product demonstrations can make Austin trade show displays more memorable.


In a study that determined which elements made exhibits more memorable, product demonstration was rated number one. Product Demonstration ranked higher than factors like stage presentation, literature, design, personnel, and even giveaways.


7 Tips To Create An Effective Product Demonstration

In light of the fact that demonstrations are so important, here are 7 tips to create excellent demonstrations at your Austin trade show displays:


  1. Use Movement.

The best demonstrations use motion to capture the attention of event attendees. Visitors will be more likely to notice and visit your booth if your booth looks exciting and attractive. Movement can play a big part in that.


  1. Interact With Attendees.

Have you ever noticed that college students love classes where professors use interactive teaching methods? The same concept is true here. Trade show attendees will be more interested and engaged if you can figure out ways to interact with them within your booth.


  1. Use Technology To Your Advantage.

You may be wondering how you can do a product demonstration if your company sells a product or service that is intangible. In such cases, you can utilize technology to present your product or service through audio and video. Using technology can help your product or service come to life in the minds of attendees.


  1. Show Visitors How Your Product Works.

Don’t get too caught up in the extras. Remember that one of the most basic and important purposes of your demonstration is to show potential customers how your product is used. It gives them an opportunity to see the proper way your product should be used first hand. They will also receive valuable insight into how it works.


  1. Train Multiple Staffers.

Exhibitors are wise to be proactive and train multiple staffers to know how to host product demonstrations within their Austin trade show displays. This will come in handy if the staffer that typically does the presentation gets sick or can’t attend a show for some reason.


  1. Design Your Display With Demos In Mind.

Many exhibitors make the mistake of first designing their trade show display and then trying to figure out how they can make it work for product demos. Instead, it is best to design your exhibit with your product demo in mind. Make your space and exhibit work for you, rather than against you.


  1. Present The Advantages Of Your Product.

The ultimate goal of a demo is for attendees to walk away from your demonstration saying, “Wow, I HAVE to have that product/service.” Your demo should make the benefits of your product or service extremely clear.


Contact Xtreme Xhibits today for more information about our trade show products and exhibiting services.