How To Create Winning Trade Show Display For Retail Stores
Creating effective trade show displays for retail stores can involve anything from professionally designed plan-o-grams and lightscapes to employing some solid, basic retail merchandising principles in your trade show booth. You’ve already done some of the research and planning you’ll need to design your booth when you designed your store layout and merchandising plan. Before you plan your trade show booth, shop your competitors, especially those who have larger marketing budgets. Help yourself to the benefit of their extensive (and expensive) research and design ideas by identifying their trends, themes, colors, and other design concepts, then seeing how you can apply the best and most innovative ideas in the design of your own trade show booth.
Obviously, the most important goals of your visual merchandising efforts at trade shows are selling your product and brand, so you need to find ways to apply ideas you’ve gleaned from others in ways that boost your brand recognition and boast your products’ unique selling propositions (USPs). It’s not going to work for you to simply copy another retailer’s design ideas; you need to adapt those concepts to serve your own marketing campaign. Create a trade show booth that will make customers who are familiar with your stores feel welcome, gives new customers a feel for what your stores are about, and adds a sense of anticipation that they’re going to experience something out-of-the-ordinary in your booth.
- Get-Ability – In your trade show booth, you’ve obviously got a lot less space available for merchandising, but the same underlying principles apply: If customers can’t get to your products, they’re not going to buy them. It can be tempting to just put one of each product out on display; it makes for a tidier booth and reduces loss through breakage or theft. Unfortunately, it also discourages purchasing. Customers don’t want to have to ask for the item they want to purchase, and they don’t want to pick up the last one. Shelve at least three of every item in your trade show display to strike the best balance between space and loss considerations and customer appeal.
- Visibility – Think about how to draw customers into your space, off the aisle, and how to display your merchandise, so that the customers themselves don’t block the view of other customers who haven’t entered your booth yet. Think vertical. Your merchandise needs to be in reach, but you still have about six feet of vertical space you can use to display your products. You can use large graphics as part of the display, or banner stands alongside the display units to help express your USP and give customers a reason to step inside and investigate.
- Motion – Motion is a powerful attention-grabber, and multiple studies have shown that incorporating a kinetic element in a retail display increases sales. If your product moves, placing a demonstrator in view of the aisle will help bring in more traffic and drive more sales. When you design an element of motion into your trade show exhibit, think about where it will draw most attention. If it’s something customers can put their hands on and experience, keep it in reachable range. If it’s something that’s purely visual, place it up higher, so it can be seen from further away.
Top Shelf Trade Show Display For Retail Stores
Xtreme Xhibits by Skyline can help you create the right environment in your trade show booth to sell your merchandise at the show and draw people to your retail stores afterward. Whether you’re looking for customized rental display or you want to purchase your own booth display, we’re here to help with everything from overall design to graphics, lighting, and logistics.