Everyone who sets up a trade show booth at a convention wants to get noticed, but all that competition can make it difficult for your trade show installation to stand out. These ideas will help you ensure that all eyes are on your trade show exhibit, and that you get the most qualified leads to make the event a clear success.
Start Planning Early, And Be Ready To Negotiate
You’ve probably been told by event planners that all space is provided on a first come, first served basis: the earlier you register, the more choices you have. While this is always true to some extent, savvy companies know that you can always negotiate the details about your trade show booth. You’ll want to arrange a truly premium location for your trade show installation, even if you have to pay a bit more to manage it.
What is a premium location? Well, most novice planners think that a trade show exhibit right in the middle of everything is the best idea. While such a trade show booth will get a lot of people looking at it, it will quickly become lost in the shuffle. There isn’t time or space for people to truly absorb the message of a trade show installation in the middle of the hubbub. You get a few seconds of face time before your prospect is whisked away by the crowd. The best place for your trade show exhibit is just off that main thoroughfare, visible from it but not encompassed by the same kind of crowds. Make sure that your trade show booth isn’t too far away from the action, or you run the risk of being overlooked!
An Inviting Trade Show Booth Will Draw More Visitors
Having a lot of display space in your trade show exhibit is a good idea, but too much wall space will lead the trade show installation to become small and cramped. People don’t want to step inside a dark, tiny space, let alone actually spend time talking to sales people in there. The negative, or empty, space is just as important as what is actually printed. Make sure people have ample room to maneuver inside your trade show booth and to view all sides of double-sided display elements.
Encourage Attendees With Trade Show Installation Pre-Registration
Driving traffic isn’t simply a matter of luck. One of the best ways to get attendance up is to let people know you’re coming. A few weeks before the convention, send out pre-registration forms to let local attendees know that your trade show exhibit will be present at the upcoming convention. In exchange for their contact information, offer them a small gift or a chance at a larger prize to be claimed at your trade show booth. This ensures that you get their contact information and gives them a reason to head straight for your trade show installation on convention day.
Grab A Spot On The Presentation Schedule
Conventions aren’t just about the trade show exhibit hall; there are many other activities, including presentations. Anyone who stands up and gives a presentation will automatically be viewed as an authority by the audience. If you can, ensure that you or one of your key staff members is on that presentation schedule so you get the credibility boost and increased attendance that comes with it. In addition, the credentials of each presenter are typically listed in the program, further reinforcing your company’s knowledge and experience.
Any of these tips will help your trade show installation get noticed at the next convention, but for maximum impact you should use them all. No matter how many conventions you’ve attended before or will attend in the future, you can’t go wrong when you use these ideas.