It All Begins With a Handshake and a Smile
Growing up with a Dad who was as concerned about my grades as he was about my life skills has given me my own textbook on how to deal with the “world”. His legacy to my sisters and me is part of who we are, and they are forever in our memory of him. Number one, no matter the person or the circumstance, when you meet people, stand tall, look them in the eye, shake their hand and smile.
Dad’s piece of wisdom holds true for your trade show booth staff. “Having the right staff managing your trade show booth will play a key role in your ultimate event success. Pinpoint the best employees to help manage the booth and give them all the resources they’ll need for training and preparation.” (Skyline Exhibits)
Qualities of a booth staffer:
Enthusiasm, friendliness and people-oriented
Able to communicate effectively
Understanding of a trade show experience with a good attitude about exhibiting
Comfortable with a face-to-face relationship with attendees
Ability to engage attendees with open-ended questions, without pushing, and listen effectively to what the potential client is saying. Qualify the lead.
Preparation for a booth staffer:
Thorough knowledge of the products/ services you are showcasing
Aware of the location of your booth. (Trade show venue floorplan)
Provided with a list of your booth staffers, cell phone numbers and schedule of attendance in the booth, including break time
Technical skills (At least one person who can troubleshoot if the exhibit isn’t functioning)
Understanding of the importance of appearance, body language, and comfortable feet.
Your booth staffers are brand ambassadors. Their handshake, smile, and engaging personality, coupled with product knowledge, and savvy communication skills go a long way in ensuring success on the trade show floor.