X2 has become only one of 19 companies in Austin to be recognized as WasteSmart! Xtreme Xhibits has been working closely with the City of Austin Solid Waste Services Department for the last month to become a WasteSMART business, recognized for our efforts to create less waste, recycle and buy recycled products. Only a handful of Austin businesses have taken the initiative to work together with the city in an effort to reduce the waste stream generated by their daily business. It is our sincerest effort to become a pioneer amongst fellow Austin businesses in the push for greater sustainability and environmental consciousness.
Furthermore, forging this path has led us to become the first Austin member of The Green Meetings Industry Council. The GMIC encourages collaboration within the events and meeting industry towards the expansion of green standards in efforts to lessen the environmental impact the industry has on a global basis. In efforts to expand this cause around the greater Austin area, Xtreme Xhibits is currently trying to organize an Austin based chapter of the GMIC.
With expectations that our innovative change and direction will lead to a revolution within the tradeshow and events industry, Xtreme Xhibits by Skyline, Inc. can show Austin businesses how to make their mark without leaving one!